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Creating more options for your patients

Our collection of offerings uncover unique insights that empower you to customize treatment for individual patients, throughout their cancer journey.

A comprehensive solution for all of your precision oncology needs


    We deliver a comprehensive view of your patients through our tissue and liquid tests, DNA and RNA sequencing, somatic and germline tests, tumor-normal matched profiling, and MRD and monitoring test options.


    We leverage our growing database to create specialized algorithms like Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD), Tumor Origin (TO), and DPYD, with more algorithms in development.


    We offer a fast, reliable platform for ordering Tempus tests, accessing patient insights, and utilizing our AI-driven technologies seamlessly.


    The first generative AI-enabled clinical assistant that provides access to patient insights directly at your fingertips.


    We offer easy access to current treatment options and relevant insights through our integration and connectivity capabilities.

  6. TEMPUS+

    We provide select participating institutions with access to technical support, customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your cancer center.


    We bring just-in-time clinical trial options to patients based on clinical and molecular data, for enrollment at your institution, through our TIME Trial Program—in days instead of months.


    We are developing AI capabilities to help pathologists find actionable markers in specimens to identify potential patients for clinical trials or precision therapeutics.


    We empower physicians to deliver the next step in a patient’s care journey with our AI-enabled care pathway intelligence platform.

Streamlining your workflow

One order. One platform. One financial assistance program.

Browse our FAQs
Financial Assistance

Tempus is committed to providing easy and affordable access to our tests and services.

  • Apply for financial assistance online at access.tempus.com.

  • If approved, you will know immediately about the maximum out of pocket cost of your testing.

  • Please contact billing@tempus.com if you are concerned about out-of-pocket costs and would like to discuss your options.

All U.S.-based patients are eligible to apply for financial assistance regardless of insurance status. For uninsured and international patients, we offer a self-pay option. If you have any questions, please email patients@tempus.com.

Authorization for Medical Records: Through access.tempus.com, you will be directed to our Notice and Authorization for Medical Records authorization form. This optional form allows us to request outcomes and other medical records from your health care providers. Please see the form for more information.

Working with the top hospitals in North America

In the rapidly changing world of cancer care and precision medicine, Tempus is the established leader. They provide rapid, accurate results while also continuing to develop innovative strategies to improve patient outcomes. With a focus on both clearly defining actionable mutations and extending treatment options by matching specific patients to specific local and national studies, Tempus is directly changing the patients' lives.

Joseph K Hofmeister, MD, OhioHealth

Working with the top hospitals in North America

Breast cancer care has involved use of biomarkers for years in order to determine appropriate therapy. Genomic information has now been added to the list of crucial biomarkers needed to know how to treat metastatic breast cancer patients with the approval of targeted therapy for BRCA and PIK3CA mutations. Having this information also gives a patient the best opportunity to consider one of numerous biomarker driven clinical trials. These options allow as personalized an approach to treatment as possible and I have no doubt that genomic data will continue to transform the way patients are treated as our field moves forward.

Megan Kruse, MD, Cleveland Clinic

  • 6.5K+

    oncologists rely on Tempus as their precision medicine partner

  • 30K+

    patients have been identified for potential enrollment into clinical trials in our network

  • 8M+

    de-identified research records

  • 40+

    operational countries across North, Central and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia

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Our Science

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    Concurrent DNA and RNA NGS Testing to Characterize Rare Fusions in Advanced NSCLC Patients

    Therapy directed at molecular actionable variants improves survival in patients with advanced NSCLC and is standard of care. Here we report the prevalence of rare BRAF, NRG1, and EGFR fusions, and their co-occurrence with other NCCN recommended actionable NSCLC targets, using concurrent DNA-RNA NGS testing in a real-world patient cohort.

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    Racial Differences in ALK Gene Alterations Detected by Tissue and Liquid Biopsy Across Patients with Lung Cancer

    Racial and ethnic differences in incidence are well-reported in lung cancer associated with Tobacco smoking. ALK gene alterations as driver genetic alterations occur in 2-4% of lung cancer patients. Racial differences in ALK gene-altered lung cancer are not well defined. The objective of this study was to assess a large cohort of lung cancer patients to determine the frequency and type of ALK alterations observed in lung cancers across races.

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    Detecting HLA Loss of Heterozygosity Within a Standard Diagnostic Sequencing Workflow for Prognostic and Therapeutic Opportunities

    As published in npj Precision Oncology, we developed and validated an investigational assay that detects tumor HLA LOH within an FDA-approved clinical diagnostic test, enabling HLA LOH utilization in diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic applications.

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    Dynamic Changes in Circulating Tumor Fraction as a Predictor of Real-World Clinical Outcomes in Solid Tumor Malignancy Patients Treated with Immunotherapy

    As published in Oncology and Therapy on Springer, a dynamic molecular biomarker that can identify early efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy remains an unmet clinical need. Here we evaluate if a novel circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assay, xM, used for treatment response monitoring (TRM), that quantifies changes in ctDNA tumor fraction (TF), can predict outcome benefits in patients treated with ICI alone or in combination with chemotherapy in a real-world (RW) cohort.

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    Longitudinal clinical performance of a novel tumor-naive minimal residual disease assay in patients with resected stage II and III colorectal cancer: A subset analysis from the GALAXY study in CIRCULATE-Japan

    The presence of circulating tumor DNA can identify patients at higher risk of recurrence. Longitudinal surveillance of ctDNA may enable early identification of pts who are likely to relapse and presents a window of opportunity for early interventions to improve outcomes.

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    TriHealth Cancer Institute’s collaboration with the Tempus AI TIME program impact on clinical trial operations and enrollment

    TriHealth’s EMR integration with Tempus AI TIME allows for patient screening using an AI powered software TApp that matches to a broad clinical trial portfolio. The goal of this collaboration is to increase TriHealth’s patients’ access for clinical trials.

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Featured News and Events

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    Tempus Launches Beta Version of olivia, its AI-enabled PersonHealth Concierge App for Patients

    Tempus announced the beta launch of a patient-facing app, olivia, an AI-enabled personal health concierge to empower individuals to holistically organize, manage, and proactively take control of their own health data.

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    NPJ Precision Oncology Publishes Tempus Study on Validation of its HLA-LOH Investigational Assay

    Tempus announced that the validation study of its human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loss of heterozygosity (LOH) investigational assay has been published in npj Precision Oncology. Titled, “Detecting HLA loss of heterozygosity within a standard diagnostic sequencing workflow for prognostic and therapeutic opportunities,” the study included analytical validation of an investigational test that detects HLA-LOH based on analysis of data generated from Tempus’ FDA-approved, next generation sequencing-based xT CDx assay.

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    Tempus Surpasses 500 Research Publications

    Tempus has reached a research milestone of over 500 research publications. In the last eight years, Tempus has invested in rigorous scientific research to validate its diagnostic offerings, while also working with biopharma and academic collaborators to publish research supported by the company’s multimodal data library.

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    Video: Harnessing the power of AI: Optimizing workflows & enhancing testing across the cancer care continuum

    Discover our latest technological advancements, such as One, Lens, Next and Link, that are helping to streamline efficiencies in clinical practices and research processes. With our most recent expansion into the MRD and monitoring space, we are leveraging these technologies to improve patient outcomes and surveillance strategies for both provider and biopharma partners.

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    Tempus Announces New Features to its Smart Physician Platform, Hub

    Tempus announces a suite of new features in its physician platform, Hub. Trusted by thousands of oncologists and care teams, Hub is an AI-enabled platform that provides access to patient insights in a secure environment. Tempus unveils a collection of new and enhanced features designed to make it easier for clinicians to access each of their patient’s comprehensive profiles to better inform care.

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    Tempus Introduces New HER2 & FOLR1 Testing Solutions to Support Personalized Patient Care

    Tempus announces new testing solutions to help physicians identify patients with HER2 or FOLR1 expressing tumors, which may make such patients eligible for targeted therapies such as antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs). HER2 and FOLR1 testing by immunohistochemistry (IHC) is now available for all solid tumor cancers as an add-on to the company’s xT or xR next-generation sequencing assays.

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Validations and Resources

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    Tempus xT Validation

    Our Tempus xT assay is designed to detect actionable oncologic targets by sequencing tumor samples with matched normal saliva or blood samples, when available.

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    Tempus xF Validation

    Our non-invasive Tempus xF liquid biopsy assay detects cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in blood specimens of advanced solid tumor patients.

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    Standard Requisition Form

    We offer an easy ordering process which allows you to order any of somatic and germline panels along with our add-on tests like HRD, TO and DPYD.

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Partnering with Tempus is investing in the future

Every new test and data point strengthens our algorithms, predictions, and recommendations to improve treatment options for future patients.