Notetaker Support

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How do I sign-up for Notetaker?

Join our waitlist to be notified when Notetaker is available for you to start your free trial.

How do I install Notetaker?

Notetaker does not require any software to be installed, making it easy to use in several clinical settings. Simply log in to Tempus Hub and click the microphone icon in the left navigation bar, which will direct you to the Notetaker tool.

If I’m not a current Tempus customer, can I still access Notetaker?

Absolutely! Join our waitlist to be notified when Notetaker is available for you to start your free trial.

General Information: Using Notetaker

How does Notetaker work?

Notetaker is an AI-powered clinical assistant that generates progress notes by ambiently recording sessions with your patients. Notetaker produces a session transcript, and from this transcript, generates clinical notes that may be copied into your EHR. Notes may be customized based on your preferences to include more or less detail. The Magic Edit feature may also be used to refine clinic notes based on natural language commands. For example, you may direct Magic Edit to:

“Make the ‘risk assessment’ section longer with more details”
“Add more details to the ‘plan’ section regarding the patient’s informed consent to start Adderall”
“Change the Psychiatric Review of Symptoms to bullet points”

Completed notes may be easily copied into your patient’s electronic health record.

How do I create a new note?

Log into Tempus Hub at Look for the microphone icon in the left navigation bar to create your first note.

Can I edit or delete a note?

Yes, you can edit a note manually or by using the magic edit feature. You are also able to delete notes as needed by selecting the ‘delete note’ option on the bottom right side of your screen after a note is generated.

Do my manual edits get saved?

Manual edits do not get saved, but magic edits will be saved. Be sure to copy the updated notes into your EHR if you would like to reference them at a later time.

What is ‘Magic Edit’?

Magic edit is a feature that uses AI to edit your note based on the prompt you provide. Some examples of prompts include:

“Fill in the Mental Status Exam using normal parameters.”
”Organize HPI by bullet points, organize by Dx and add in ICD-10 code.”
”Add more details to the ‘plan’ section regarding the patient’s informed consent to start the medication mentioned.”

Does Magic Edit pick up practitioner preferences and learn over time?

Currently, the Magic Edit feature does not learn your preferences over time. However, this feature is being considered for future updates.

Is there a character limit on the sections in Notetaker?

The character limit is greater than 100,000 characters and is generally sufficient for most use cases. If you encounter issues, please provide feedback.

Can Notetaker be used on mobile devices?

Notetaker can be accessed from your web browser but we do not currently have a mobile app. It is recommended to use a laptop or desktop for the best experience.

Can the tool interpret multi-lingual sessions (e.g. switching between English and Spanish)?

Yes, Notetaker can understand 30+ languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese among others. Notetaker should pick up on language switching without needing to set a specific language.

Can multiple users log into the same account and record different sessions simultaneously?

This is not permitted, as it may cause issues with note preferences and session recordings. Each user should have their own account.

Are any parts of the Mental Status Exam automatically filled out?

The MSE is not filled out by default, as it includes sections that relate to how a patient interacted with a provider during the session and/or how they were observed. If you would like the tool to populate as much information as it can from the transcript data, ensure note preferences are set to “more thorough” and “more descriptive”, and use magic edit prompts such as “complete the mental status exam based on the transcript.”

Can I use Notetaker for a family therapy session?

Yes, Notetaker generally picks up differences in individual voices well during family therapy sessions if you select “group” as your session type. However, using a headset with a microphone close to your mouth may cause issues with picking up other voices. Please reach out to our team if you are experiencing any issues.

Why is my note taking so long to generate?

It can take up to a few minutes for your note to generate. If you need to begin your next session, you can open up a new tab in Hub and begin your next session. It will not interrupt the previous session as long as you have clicked “End session”.

Data Security and Privacy

How can I access my data?

Your data can be accessed by logging into Tempus Hub and clicking the microphone icon in the left navigation bar. This will take you to the Notetaker landing page where you will be able to access your patient data on the homepage.

How is my data protected? What measures are in place to ensure patient confidentiality and can I delete my recordings or notes when I’m finished using them?

Data is encrypted and stored securely in a HIPAA compliant manner. You can delete your data at any point. It will be removed from all Tempus systems upon deletion. Identifiable health information is protected under HIPAA.

How long are transcriptions and notes saved? Are they auto-deleted for privacy protection?

The default setting is for transcripts and notes to be saved indefinitely, as the transcript serves as the original source of information for any changes made to the note after an adjustment of “note preferences”, “note type”, or using the magic edit feature. However, you have the choice  to manually delete notes and transcripts at any time.

If a lawyer requests medical records, do I have to include the transcript from the recorded conversation?

Notetaker is a tool to assist in the creation of documentation. Audio files are deleted shortly after processing. Transcripts are by default saved indefinitely, but at any time you can choose to manually delete a patient session recording and/or the entire patient profile in Notetaker. Please consult your legal counsel for specific guidance.

Do I need to obtain patient consent for recording?

Yes, it is your responsibility to obtain all necessary consents before recording any sessions. Some providers find it convenient to include Notetaker consent within their new patient consent forms to streamline the process. Please note that consent requirements may vary by state, so be sure to check the specific regulations applicable to your location.

Billing and Subscription

What are the pricing plans?

Pricing is $1 per note or $129 subscription per month for individuals. For information on enterprise plans or additional questions on pricing plans for individuals, please reach out to your local rep.

How do I update my payment information?

Payment information can be updated by navigating to your billing settings within Notetaker. You can add or remove any credit cards you have on file.

How do I cancel my subscription?

For individuals, you can cancel your subscription by navigating to your billing settings and clicking “Cancel your subscription.” For enterprise contracts, please reach out to your local rep.

How regularly will I receive a bill?

The billing period is one month, so you should expect to receive a bill approximately once a month.

Troubleshooting, Support, and Contact Information

What should I do if the options to select recording type and session type disappear after entering information for a new patient?

This issue can sometimes occur. Try logging out of the Hub, closing the tab, and then reopening it to start fresh. If the problem persists, please contact

Can the HPI and Psych Review of Systems sections be combined?

We are evaluating a product improvement in the future, in the meantime, feel free to prompt magic edit to organize these sections as you see fit.

What if medication dosing instructions are not captured in the note?

Use magic edit to add dosing instructions based on the transcript or standard dosing regimens.

How can we improve the specificity of notes, especially for intakes?

You can adjust note preferences to be more thorough and descriptive. Utilize specific magic edit prompts to capture detailed information, examples include:

“Update HPI to bullet points that are organized with the diagnosis as the header.”
“In HPI, for each symptom discussed, include more information on onset, quality, duration, severity, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs.”

What should I do if the tool does not differentiate between multiple speakers during a session?

Ensure that the correct settings are selected (e.g., telehealth or in-person) before starting the session. After the session has ended, under the “session type” drop-down menu, choose “couple” to indicate multiple participants. Additionally, make sure you are not exiting the screen after recording without selecting any settings.

What should I do if I get logged out of Notetaker during or after a session?

For security purposes, Tempus will log you out after an hour of inactivity. If you are actively recording a session, it should stay logged in. If the issue persists, check the browser being used and contact Tempus support at for further assistance.

What should I do if the site is not generating new notes based on changing note preferences?

Try logging out of the portal, closing the tab, and starting fresh.

How can I contact customer support?

If you have any questions or issues, please contact your local rep or

How can I provide feedback on the product, report an issue or suggest new features?

If you have any questions or issues, please contact your local rep or

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