AI-enabled solution to screen, detect, and track changes in lesions suspected of breast cancer

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Tempus Pixel provides advanced analysis and automated reporting from routine 2D and 3D mammograms to help improve efficiency and accuracy in detecting and longitudinal tracking of changes in lesions suspected of breast cancer.

Breast lesions identification

Automatically detects lesions suspected of breast cancer in 2D and 3D mammograms.1,2

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Density assessment

Automatically generates reports that adhere to BI-RADS® tissue density categories from mammograms to help provide consistent breast anatomy assessments.3

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Improved accuracy when incorporating priors

The goal of incorporating priors is to evaluate lesion evaluation over time. The score may change based on the evolution or stability of the lesion. The overall accuracy of MammoScreen improves when incorporating priors.4

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worklist flagging

Automatically flags patient cases where the algorithm showed a higher confidence of a malignant finding, helping providers to timely review screening 2D and 3D breast images.2

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  1. Conant EF, Toledano AY, Periaswamy S, et al. Improving accuracy and efficiency with concurrent use of artificial intelligence for digital breast tomosynthesis. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. 2019;1(4):e180096.
  2. Tempus Pixel is FDA-cleared (K203744) and CE marked; detection of lesions suspected of breast cancer is powered by iCAD’s profound AI (K203822). Arterys Inc is the manufacturer of Tempus Pixel, excluding any third party components described in this list. iCAD is the manufacturer of ProFound AI.
  3. Breast density assessment is powered by iCAD’s ProFound AI (K203822). iCAD is the manufacturer of the Breast density assessment.
  4. Tempus Pixel is FDA-cleared (K203744) and CE Marked. Therapixel is the manufacturer of MammoScreen® (K211541) which incorporates priors in its cancer detection analysis. Arterys Inc is the manufacturer of Tempus Pixel, excluding any third party components described in this list.

Make more informed decisions with Tempus Pixel