AI-enabled solution to analyze and quantify cardiac MR images1

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Tempus Pixel provides advanced viewing and automated reporting of cardiac MR images to help improve efficiency and accuracy in flow visualization and quantification, functional analysis, and tissue characterization.

AI-enabled 4d flow

Visualize and quantify blood flow precisely anywhere in the heart and its major vessels based on 4D flow datasets, enabling reductions in scan time of up to 30%2

functional analysis

Automatically quantify cardiac chambers volumetry and ventricular function data from short axis datasets, enabling a reduction in segmentation time of up to 93% per study3,4

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tissue characterization

Automatically quantify delayed enhancement, perfusion, and parametric mapping images (T1, T2 and T2*), with graphs and 17-segment models for faster and more informed decisions5

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AI-based Myocardial Strain

Calculates strain, strain rate, and myocardial velocity that are reliable, quantitative, visually confirmable, and that separates normal from disease myocardial tissue6

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seamless integration

Easily integrates AI-enabled tools with existing PACS, EHR, worklist, notification, and dictation systems to optimize radiology workflows

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  1. Tempus Pixel Cardio is FDA-cleared (K203744).Arterys Inc is the manufacturer of Tempus Pixel Cardio.
  2. Atkins MB. Integration of 4D-Flow into routine clinical practice of congenital and non-congenital cardiac MRI-18 months experience demonstrating decreased scan times, physician monitoring, and patient breath hold times. [366897]. CMR 2018; pp. 789-790.
  3. Narang A, Miller T, Ameyaw K, et al. A machine learning algorithm fordetermination of left ventricle volumes and function: comparison to manual quantification. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;73(9):1638.
  4. Retson T, Masutani E, Chen C, et al. Real-world clinical performance of deep learning for quantification and segmentation of biventricular cardiac size and function [4785], Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med. 2018;26 4785.
  5. T1 and T2 parametric mapping are not CE marked and are for Research Use Only in EU. T2 parametric mapping is only supported for GE and Philips scanners. T2* Parametric mapping is only supported for GE and Siemens scanners.
  6. Strain is for Research Use Only in the EU and US.

Make more informed decisions with Tempus Pixel